Monday 23 December 2013

Koh Phangan

Backdated: 5th July 2012

We arrived in Ayutthaya train station at 12.00pm and then spent the next 30 hours either traveling or inside train/bus stations. It was absolutely knackering it has to be said. We met our first Americans of the whole trip – which may sound an odd thing to point out but there was a serious lack of Americans anywhere else is our travels - just lots of Europeans, Canadians and Aussies. 
Arriving in Phangan

So we arrived in Koh Phangan about 5 hours late due to various delays along the way as is to be expected of travelling in Thailand. We checked into our guesthouse and headed straight for the beach, despite the fact the sun was nearly set already. It was just a relief to be able to put our feet on sand and in the sea finally. 

We relaxed in the evening and called in an early night. The next day we got up and hired and bike (just one… after much deliberation, I finally decided to let Len drive). We spent the morning riding round, getting lost several times, visiting waterfalls. We wondered if we have even managed to find the first one at all, just a pathetic slither of water over some rocks. We scrambled up the rocks a little way to see if it was higher up but decided if it was up ahead it was too far. So we tried the next one. This one was more impressive than the first but still pretty pathetic! The lady at the waterfall told us that Phangan had no rain and all the waterfalls were pretty low. So we decided to give up on the waterfall ideas and just head to the beach. We were staying on Haad Yao, which I have to say was a lovely beach. We tried a few but that one was definitely my favourite. We spent most of the rest of the afternoon there, but eventually got bored and went to get changed etc and then try to find a view point that is marked up on the map. 

Exploring lush beaches
Unfortunately being the fool I am, I left the map at home when I was getting changed. Luckily Len guessed, and we did find a view point. Not sure it was the right one but it was nice. Stupidly steep – tried and failed to ride the bike up the hill and had to walk. Not really sure where the viewpoint was because the concrete ended and went to a dirt track we gave up walking up. So not even sure if we looked from the proper view point. It was still beautiful. There were no lights on the track up so we decided to head back before the actual sunset and try to get back to the beach to watch it. However this plan was ruined as the bike spluttered and gave up on us half way home. We knew there was nothing wrong with the bike so we knew we must have just been out of gas. Well… I say nothing wrong with the bike, but I think it goes without saying that the petrol meter thing wasn’t working. Another stroke of luck meant that some Irish people had also broken down further up the hill due to a flat tyre. One of them offered to go and get us some on the one of the two bikes that was working – a real life saver. 

We missed the sunset and so decided to treat ourselves to relaxing oil massages on the beach to overcome the stress. It was lush and we then went to get food on the beach but by the time the food came we were both half asleep and not very hungry. 

The next day we decided to rent the bike for another day and enquired about elephant trekking but we felt that the price was too high for the amount of time and considering that the waterfalls were empty so we wouldn’t trek to the waterfalls. So we went to Koh Ma and went snorkelling instead. Took a little while to get over water in the eye but it was really good fun eventually and cheap because we just hired the snorkel and didn’t go on a trip. There is a sand strip you can walk to get to the reefy bit. So worth it. 

My bucket of booze
We then just decided to ride the bike around and explore the island… great fun. We also booked our transport over to Krabi for the day after the Full Moon Party. 

Full Moon Party
Then we went over the Haad Rin early intended to meet a friend for dinner but ended up just completely lost and unable to find a commonplace to meet. So we just got painted and went into the party early. Buying whiskey buckets and chicken burgers. We then found our friends in the party – it was a really good atmosphere and we had a really good time early on. Unfortunately we peaked quite early and ended up home by 2.30.. FMP definitely something I need to try again haha.

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